“Oh, August, how I love thee!”
Hello future corporate nurses! August is my favorite month of the year since it’s my birthday month. I’m officially in countdown mode! This is a milestone year for me and I’m happy to see what the next decade of my life entails. It’s been some time since I’ve posted so I wanted to update you about a few things.
Personal Milestones
I’m several months into a new corporate nursing position. I’m still working in research and development, but a new “therapeutic” area. I’ve enjoyed learning new people, as well as new policies and processes while making sure I’m doing my part to positively impact global health care outcomes. Despite changing companies, I made the decision to go “beast mode” in my doctoral program. I completed three classes over the last two semesters. My summer session recently ended the first week of August and I can honestly say it’s been the best semester yet! I’m officially halfway through my program and I’m grateful for the opportunity to learn and generate science in an area that I’m extremely passionate about. (I’ll share more details at the appropriate time). I’m excited for my fall classes because I’m now at the place where all my classes are focused on my research. I’m also working toward being published by the end of this year. While I don’t need a Ph.D. to advance in my chosen career path, it will position me as an expert in my area of research and change how recruitment and retention is conducted.
The Corporate Nurse®
Earlier this year, I made a change to Leap to Corporate Nursing by switching from quarterly launches to monthly enrollment. Future corporate nurses can now enroll in the program and get started on their corporate nursing journey as soon as they’re ready to! I decided to make this change because I felt bad each time someone reached out to me ready to get started, but they couldn’t because enrollment was closed. I always listen to my current and prospective clients and incorporate their feedback whenever I can. I hope that by making this change, more nurses are empowered to forego the excuses and take the LEAP! One thing my clients will tell you is that conditions are never perfect! You already have what you need: your nursing degree and foundational experience. My job is to help you translate and market that clinical experience for corporate positions that allow you to work remotely. Once you make the decision to enroll, I’ll provide you with the clarity and confidence that you need to successfully apply, interview and negotiate your salary so you can enter the boardroom.
In addition, I’ve been deep in meditation regarding how to be more impactful in nursing. I’m a firm believer in creating the kind of change that I want to see in the world, as well as finding REAL solutions to problems in nursing instead of complaining or pontificating on social media. I’m brainstorming and testing out a few methodologies that I feel will, ultimately, benefit our profession. This has forced me to face and confront my own fears and listen to God when He provides me with instruction. I’ve had some moments of grief where I had to put aside goals that are no longer part of the plan. It’s difficult because I’m a planner and I envisioned my professional journey looking a certain way. However, change is inevitable and if the goal is to make a lasting impact, I’m willing to be flexible. That’s why I always say that I’m working right alongside of you in corporate nursing. Most of what my clients are experiencing, I’ve been through. We’re only limited by having a small mindset. Whatever it is that you want to do in nursing – including earning more money, there are numerous opportunities available within this pathway.

When it’s all said and done, I will ecstatically look back in awe of the legacy that I’m leaving. Twenty years ago, I was a struggling college student just hoping to make my family proud by becoming the first grandchild to matriculate college and first nurse in my family. I’m walking in prayers my grandmother spoke over me as a child. I always felt there was more to life than working a job. My focus has always been on spending time with my loved ones and building the kind of life that I wanted. I initially thought bedside nursing would provide the kind of lifestyle I wanted, but God had other plans for me. Corporate nursing opened my eyes to new possibilities and gave me the space and REST I needed to figure out what makes me truly happy. I don’t have to choose between impact or income. I have both – abundantly. I don’t have to wait for my lunchbreak or the weekend to run errands or schedule a massage. I don’t have to worry about using my PTO. My workdays aren’t chaotic or micromanaged. And I want the same for each person reading this!
I challenge you to do what makes YOU happy in your career. You won’t regret it. In honor of my upcoming birthday, do me a favor and create an actual plan for your career that will allow you to step into the best version of yourself. Once you have your plan written down, share it with me so I can celebrate with you and hold you accountable.
As always, I’m waiting to work with you and get you hired in 2023 because #NursesBelongInTheBoardroom!
Let’s keep the discussion going. I would love to hear from you. Connect with me on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter!